Presenting all Services and technical expertise, TECHSEN render its services to electrical and power industries with the objective of expanding local markets. An enterprise management is determined and committed to develop the quality management system to achieve the following goals:
- Promotion of quality culture in TECHSEN and increase of sense of responsibility
- Meeting clients expectations and requirements based on commitments and
establishment of proper communication in order to secure clients satisfaction - Preventing nonconformities and any deficiencies in the process of rendering services
- Establishing continuous improvement in quality system and all the related functions
Having protection relay, switchgear and transformer problems? Need repair? On-site or at
our facilities we can help you. Our staff of engineers and highly trained craftsmen is
professional power system problem solvers.
We'll work with you one-on-one to create customized solutions that are effective, on time
and within budget.
Vast experience and knowledge of specifications are attributes which allow us to perform diagnostic evaluations, maintenance, and repairs on transformers, switchgears and protection system .Whether you need one specialist for technical assistance or a crew of 10 + for a major repair. We provide the field service to keep your downtime to a minimum and your uptime worry-free
TECHSEN offers the expert solutions to meet your electrical power system needs.