Using our latest state-of-the-art test-sets together with the latest test programs we can visit
your site to carry out the routine or commissioning testing of your relays. We will test all manufacturers' relays.
Because we are using the latest equipment and the latest software, you can be sure that we
will finish the job as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. Full test results will be
provided upon completion of the testing, together with any recommendations for further
testing and/or remedial action
As power grids get bigger and carry more power, the need for quick, reliable
disconnection when faults occur becomes more and more urgent.
The purpose of protection equipment is to sense fault and trip circuit breakers. If a fault is not corrected early, personal injuries and serious damage can occur. We will provide the following job for our clients.
- Testing ,Installation and Commissioning the following equipments
- Under Voltage Relay
- Differential Protective Relay
- Over Current / Ground Fault Relay
- Current and Potential Transformer circuit check out
- Control Circuit Wiring Checkout
- Battery Ground Fault
- Test Ground Grid and Earth Resistance
- Instrument Transformer Testing
- Electronic Metering and Control Systems Calibration
TECHSEN offer Field Testing and Condition Assessment